It is with great sadness that the Groote Schuur Facility Board announces the unexpected passing of one of the longest serving Board members (2005-2019), PROFESSOR ABDUL WAHAB BARDAY.

We extend our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of our departed Board member.

Professor Barday leaves behind a most distinguished professional legacy, having attained the following accomplishments during his lifespan: MBChB (UCT) 1969, MFGP (College of Medicine) 1975, DFM (SA) Forensic Medicine (College of Medicine) 1978, DTM&H (Wits) Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 1981, DPH (Wits) Public Health 1982, DHSM (Wits) Health Services Management 1990.

He held many prestigious Professional Registrations and memberships namely;

  • Health Professional Council of SA (HPCSA), 1970-2019
  • Family Physician, 1998-2019
  • South African Medical Association (formerly MASA) – President (1992), Branch Councilor, Federal Councilor, Treasure, National Finance Committee, Chairman-2002-2003 & Vice Chair – 2003-2005, Benevolent Fund of Med Assn – Trustee – 2002-2019, Ethical Contract Practice (Business) Committee, Constitutional and Transformation Task Team National vice Chairman, Trustee Pension Fund 2003 – 2019.
  • National Medical & Dental Association (NAMDA) 1977-1984, founder member
  • Dispensing Family Practitioners Assn (DFPA) 1985-2001, founder member

In addition Professor Barday held the following positions and many more: Director of the Road Accident Fund 2003-2005, Vice Chairman and then Chairman of the Groote Schuur Hospital Teaching Hospitals Board, UCT – Member of the Information and Communications Technology Committee, member of the council 1999 – 2019, member of senate, 1999 – 2019, Member of the Transformation Committee. Gatesville Medical Centre – Operation Director (Planning and Commissioning), 1987-1997, Director (1987-1998), Director (1992-1993) National Assn of Private Hospitals etc.

Community Involvement: Chairman of the Islamic College of SA(1990  2001), Masjidul Quds, Gatesville Cape Town -Chairman of the Trustees, Gatesville Traders Assn 1978-2002, Thornhill Residents Assn 1990-2002

Publications: UPDATE – Journal of Continuing Medical Education Editorial Board 1989-2001

British Medical Journal – South African Co Editor 1995-1998


Professor Barday has always been engaged in serving the community and adding value to many community based organisations. He was an excellent advisor who brought his deep knowledge and experience to a variety of issues both locally and internationally.  The Groote Schuur Facility Board has indeed lost a stalwart of a man.  His contribution to Groote Schuur is deeply appreciated – he will be sorely missed.