How you can help Groote Schuur hospital through funding


We would be very grateful for contributions to this cause and will readily accept donations of any size.

There are some specific fundable targets that you might want to consider.

  • Purchase bed unit alone at R45 000 with acknowledgement in the form of a plaque attached to each item
  • Purchase monitor alone at R60 000 with acknowledgement in the form of a plaque attached to the monitor
  • Purchase an entire unit at R105 000 with acknowledgement in the form of a plaque attached to each item
  • Purchase all units for an ICU or High Care unit with 6 beds per unit at R630 000 with acknowledgement in the form of a plaque attached to each item, as well as on the wall of the ICU/ High Care area.

Day Surgery Unit

The total cost for the Day Surgery Unit will be R37.5 million.

This includes infrastructure costs of an estimated R31 million and equipment for theatre and ward which is estimated to be R6.5 million.

Any contribution, on any scale, towards the establishment of the Day Surgery Unit at Groote Schuur would be welcomed and fully acknowledged.

The Hybrid Theatre

R23 million of equipment is urgently required to make the hybrid theatres fully operational (see attached for detail).

Donations are welcome in any amount.

An individual item or a collection of items may be funded.

Acknowledgement will be provided in the form of a plaque in the theatre area and donor recognition will be placed on each item purchased with the donation.